Wednesday 3 November 2010

What it is to be free....

Love is a scary thing
Wanting to be loved in spite of your flaws and believing that it's true, you are.
It's a risky business.
And so we look at our "love lives" and what do we see?
I see it as a love of fear
When your feet are nearing the edge and you could fall any minute;
There's the fear of falling and the fear of not being caught
Again and again the jitters and stomach flipping
A love of self loathing
The will they run away screaming? Won't they?
Will they still love me when they see the scars i hide?
Waiting till the last second to choose and then ending up with no one.
It's a big gamble, it almost sounds fun.
I am not scared of being alone
I am scared of being with someone who doesn't light me up inside
Someone who doesn't light up my every corner
Why should I settle for a dim lighted room?
I want those curtains thrown open wide.
I want to dance naked in every room of the house, smiling and laughing with fat jiggling and slapping and doing a happy dance of it's own.
And there next to me will be the one, with their own flaws flapping and spinning or somersaulting around them too
And you know what?
That would not be scary at all.

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