Monday, 24 September 2012

The only picture I have of you is when you fell asleep
I suppose I should delete it, move on, clean, cold, cut off break.
But then there will be nothing 
It is blurry and pixelated.
You look tired.
I still want to stroke your hair and cover you up to keep you warm.
Take off your glasses and put them safe.
Make sure you are comfortable before I close the door
Just so I know you will be all right

Sunday, 16 September 2012

When I hear the foxes bark it feels like I am dreaming.
I can't remember your face,
Just the feel of your skin and your breath catching in your throat,
The passion catching fire after smouldering for so long.
It was never far away,
And now my heart beats faster,
Nothing gained but a lingering heat, an itch,
My insides running to catch up.
In my head things seem slow, unreal and unorganised.
I can't make sense of it all. 
I don't know if  I am meant to.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

I miss you
I can't help but miss you
It's the little things that no one else seems to do 
They're gone and I miss them
I'm not afraid to say it

I miss giggling 
I miss feeling cared for
I miss caring for
I miss holding hands and stroking fingers
I miss stoking that fire, rattling that cage and setting it free.

I can't help it