Sunday, 18 December 2011

I find when you fall in love it is rarely how you picture it, 

Rarely convenient, 

Rarely conventional.

Stepping stones with landmines, minesweeper of the heart.

I think the best way to love is with your eyes and not your hands.

It is precious; 

Try to hold on too tight and it will shatter, leaving scars in its wake, 

Scars so visible you are reminded everyday of what you lost. 

So pretend you are in a museum...

Look but don't touch...

Look long enough and they will invite you to become an exhibit.
The memory of your hands, your shoulders, 
Is now edged in icy cold, fading.
And your lips, your sweet firm lips, smooth and responsive,
The ghost of your hands stroking my neck, around my body.
Your legs wrapped around mine.
Tight closeness cocooned and hot.
All that is bundled together as a warm contented parcel inside me,
The heat rising up, proving the memories in my mind....

Friday, 18 November 2011

Any way the wind blows it closes me in.
The freedom I am owed, just out of reach.
None at all.
Then all at once. 
I see the way I am meant to go;
Or I feel it.
I feel it and need it
But I don't know where to flow.
It's hard to tell.

Friday, 21 October 2011


And you held me as I came.
Keeping me together, not letting me float away,
Keeping yourself inside.

And you held me tight as the thunder ripped through the sky 
And a cry ripped through my chest.
You held me while my pain rumbled away.

And you let me go when I wanted to run,
When the horse had to be let loose.
You let me go knowing I wouldn't be held,
Knowing I would come back.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

I can't relate to you, to your needs.
They are foreign to me.
Things I wanted in a past life but now?
Now they turn to dust in my hand, ashes in my mouth, white noise.
So far, so far I've travelled without gaining speed or momentum.
It's not even yearning anymore.
I want this lessened, not more layered on top.
I want to see the bottom of the basket, clean it out and start afresh.
Worry later about what I threw away.
Now I need that space for my own.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011


But you.  
You get the fire burning in my belly.  You make me roll around trying to scratch that itch, trying to reach that place that aches so.  
I want that softness in your arms.  I want to let my walls down and climb inside yours.  Just you and me, close as we can be.
God I want you.  I want to hear your desire.  I want to taste your need and when you gasp, rasp and choke out the words "I want to be inside you" my whole world shakes and I sob silently because that's what I want too.  
I want to feel you pulsing inside of me.  Feel you thrust as hard as you can but stop short of hurting me.  I want the love to power you on, power us both on, breathless until we shatter in sequence.

Friday, 10 June 2011

♥♥♥ Happy Birthday Sister ♥♥♥

On the crest of a wave she greets you
Clearing the way for your light to shine.
Let the waves power you forward,
Taking the past with you without it holding you back.

Shine on little one,
With the world in your hands,
The love in your heart
And the earth at your toes.

Bring it together,
Bring it closer,
Make it yours.


Tuesday, 1 March 2011

The mind plays tricks.
I've not touched you,
But I feel you.
I haven't kissed you,
But I know how you taste.
I've never met you,
But you're here by my side.

We make our own reality.

I want you to be mine.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

I can't pretend anymore.  
It is just me, on my own.  
My dream lovers have dissipated, turned to dust in my sheets and now they just make me sneeze.
A door has been opened into the real world.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Where would we be now eh?
Sunday morning papers in bed?

No, I don;t read the paper and newsprint is a bugger to get off the egyptian cotton.........

Saturday, 29 January 2011

I don't want to let you go.
You're here in the centre of me,
Joined with me.
You feel me,
I feel you
And the taste of you,
It takes me places.
Constant, everlasting rhythm..
You give.. I take..
I take.. You give..
Then we meet in the middle
And it's like we've never been apart.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Looking for the way out.
I find something but it never feels right.
Maybe it's not the right thing,
Just a thing to fill the time.
I'm blinded

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

The sky is pink.
The earth casting it's shadow across the moon, way up high, blooming, billowing with glee.  
It's funny ain't it, the things that make our insides spark.  
It's  a funny thing to be loved and to feel that love but not understand why it is there.  
It's cushioning and safe.  
You are surrounded. 
You can dance your heart out under that pink cloudy sky;
Dance until you are out of breath and smiling.

Monday, 3 January 2011

Damsel not in distress but....

....Just once......

.....It would be nice......

.......If there was someone.....


............To fight for me......

..............Instead of being passed by........