Friday, 10 September 2010


It's like making a last stand once everyone has gone home.

Realising that you meant so little, that you were so unimportant.

Even if you knew it all along,

Looking it in the eye is harsh.

There will be no drama, no apologies.

There will be nothing like there was all along.

If it hasn't got a name then it doesn't exist
Lost oh so lost
I start to settle down but you can't sit on clouds for too long till you start to sink.  
Candyfloss is an improvement but you never get the stains out of your derry air.  
Won't you take me home?  
Won't you love me and see me and listen to my heart beat amongst the rumblings in my gut?  
Veering from one side to the other.  
I can't keep still, I can't settle because of the promise of better things. 
When i do stop, it's to long for something out of my reach
It's that dress three sizes too small, bought for £3 .  
There's no prize for squeezing into a space that was not meant for you.
No victory in change.
No prize for becoming unrecognisable

Thursday, 2 September 2010